VisionX represents information internally as a doubly
linked list of data elements. Each element contains a type
descriptor, forward and backward pointers to other elements,
and data. The VisionX file i/o functions read and write
these lists.
The first element of a list is always a dummy element
that is required for consistency. The element manipulation
functions provide a set of programming tools for locating
and performing operations on single list elements.
The element manipulation functions include the following:
VXaddelem − add a new element after the given
pointer position VXlnkelem − link a new element
after the given pointer position and VXdelelem
− delete the current element.
VXaddelem adds a new data element AFTER the
element pointed to by lptr. The contents of the
element are specified by the remaining arguments.
vxtype specifies the VisionX type of the element,
buf is a pointer to a buffer where the data is contained,
and size specifies the size of the data in buf (IN
BYTES). VXaddelem creates the new element and copies the
data from the data buffer. Note, if the base type of the
element is a scalar (VX_SCALAR) then size specifies
the value of the element and buf is ignored. Note, if
the base type of the element is a null (VX_NULL) then both
the arguments size and buf are ignored.
VXaddelem returns a pointer to the new element.
VXlnkelem is similar in operation to VXaddelem
with the difference that the data buffer specified by
buf is simply linked (pointed to) by the new element.
Note, buf MUST have been previously dynamically
allocated with Vmalloc. VXlnkelem may frequently be used
instead of VXaddelem and is useful for efficiency because it
avoids copying the data array buf. However, the
program is responsible for allocating the buffer and must
not reuse or deallocate this buffer after the call to
VXlnkelem. This function should only be used by experienced
VXdelelem deletes the element pointed to by the
argument lptr. If there exists an element in the list
following the element being deleted then a pointer to that
element is returned. If the element being deleted is the
last element in the list then a pointer to the previous
element is returned. (If the list is empty then the dummy
element is deleted and a null pointer (VXNIL) is