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Image filter commands transform images into modified images, typically for the goals of noise reduction or image feature enhancement. The image filters are considered in the following categories. in the table below.

Command Function: General Point Image Operations
vpix General Point operations on a single image (2D or 3D)
vmath General math operations on a single image (2D or 3D)
vop General operations between two images (2D or 3D)
Command Function: Image convolution
vsf General filter, Convolve (or dilate/erode) with a kernel (2D or 3D).
vconv Convolve (+binary morph ops) with a kernel (only 2D byte images)
vcorr Template Matching (correlation, convolution, MSE, or MAE) (2D or 3D)
vgfilt Gaussian filter function (2D or 3D)
vdog Difference of Gaussian filter function (2D or 3D)
vmean Mean filter (also vmax and vmin) (2D or 3D)
vmedian Median filter function (2D or 3D)
vhisteq Histogram equalization (optional linear or log equalization) (2D)
vfft Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) (2D)
v3fft Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) (3D)
Command Function: Edge Enhancement and Detection
vedge Generic 2D edge operator makes use of the following edge applications
vderiche Deriche edge operator
vsobel Sobel edge function
vrcross Roberts cross edge operator
vedgex Edge operator posprocessing: non-maximum suppression, and thresholding with hysteresis
v3grad 3D gradient of an image sequence or 3D image
Command Function: Binary Image and 3D Surface
vmorph General and spherical morphological filter (2D or 3D)
vdist Distance transform (2D or 3D)
vedist Distance transform (2D or 3D)
v3bfill 3D background fill (binary image) (2D or 3D)
vchull Compute the 3D convex hull of a binary image
vbfilt Geometric filter function for binary 3D images
v3pol Convert binary (3D) image to 3-D Polygons
Command Function: 3D Skeleton Analysis
v3grad 3D gradient of an image sequence or 3D image
v3thin Thin a binary 3D image to a skeleton line structure
v3prune Remove short lines from a binary line image