The first set of commands allows
subregions of images to selectedr.
The second set permits global image size tranformations.
Command | Function: Image selection and construction |
vcp |
Make a copy of a VisionX file |
vcat |
Concatenate a set of VisionX files (for construction of 3D images and image sequences) |
vxfile |
Append a VisionX file to the end of a VisionX file
(like vcat but appends to an existing file) |
vdim |
Convert between different multidimensional formats |
vtile |
Paste an image sequence into a single image
(useful for presentations of 3D images and image sequences) |
vclip | Clip
a consecutive subregion of a VisionX file
(except channels which can be extracted by vchan below)
vclipx | Clip an image subregion
using aonther image as the clipping template
v3roi |
Select a 3D region of interest(ROI).
This is a more user convenient form of vclip specifically for ROI selection |
vchan |
manipulate multi-channel images:
select channels, construct a multi-channel image,
complex number transformations |
vflip |
Flip or transpose an image about an axis |
vfix |
Change the image format (pixel type) of a VisionX image file |
vifx |
Scale image data and convert to byte or float format |
v3pad |
Perform three-dimensional zero-padding |
Command | Function: Image Modification |
vimag |
Image size change (2D or 3D), reference implementation |
viscale |
Image size change magnification (2D or 3D), reference implementation |
vmag |
Magnifies, changes the size of a VisionX image (2D) |
vzmag |
Magnifies, changes the Z size of a VisionX image (D3) |
vpix |
Primitive operations on the pixels of a VisionX image |
vmath |
Primitive mathematical functions on pixels |
vop |
Perform an operation between two images or image sequences |
vembed |
Like vop but for different size images, includes a merge operation |
v3rbody |
Three-dimensional Rigid-Body Transformation |
v3mip |
Performs interpolation, transformation to different views and projections of input 3D image |