Visionx supports both image based and vector or graphical data formats.
The coordinate systems but both data types are compatible. For
two-dimensional structures the lowest index values (typically 0,0) are
located in the lower left corner (the conventional graphics location).
The third dimension of the vector representation may be matched to
either the third dimension of a 3D image or to the frames in a sequence
of 2-D images.
VisionX supports a number of different vector (and polygon)
formats including: 1-D
vectors, 2-D vectors and 3-D vectors. Polygons are defined by vectors
that have the same start and end points.
In summary, vectors may have 1, 2 or 3 dimensions. Polygons are special cases
of 2D and 3D vectors.
The following table lists some useful commands:
Command | Function (Image to Vector) |
vtrace | Trace the 2D boundaries of all connected regions in an image |
v3pol | Convert 3D binary image surfaces to 3D polygons |
v3vec | Convert 3D binary image lines to 3D vectors |
Command | Function (Vector to Vector) |
vgtovec | Extract generic vectors from multi-type files |
vec3to2 | - Extract 2D and 1D vectors from 3D vectors |
vptov | - points to vector conversion
useful for collecting data from different "runs" into a vector for graphing |
vvmin | Remove unneeded points from 2D polygons |
vtrans | Homogeneous coordinate transformation of 3D vectors |
vbbox | - Add or change the bounding box |
vscale | Scale the dimensions of a 2D vector file |
v3pfilt | Smooth filter 3D polygon surfaces |
vrce | 3D curvature estimation for 3D polygons |
Command | Function (Vector to Image) |
vrend | render color index images from 3D polygons |
vrender | render images (various formats) from 3D polygons |
v3d | Render images from 3D polygons and images (interactive) |
vplot | Use gnuplot to generate annotated graphs 2D and 3D data |
vdraw | Render text and some 2D shapes into an image |
Command | Function (misc) |
vcidx | Add color index values to 3-D vector |
v3pmask | Select 3D vectors with a binary image mask |
v3ce | Curvature estimated for 3D polygon surface representations |
vsurf | Compute the surface area (perimeter) for 3D (2D) |
vps -v3d | Count the number of 3D vectors in a file |
vvplot | Compute gnuplot files from 1D, 2D, and 3D vectors --used by vplot but has more options when used directly |