Simple VisionX V4 structures
Vfstruct, V3fstruct - structures for V4 images |
Vfstruct(name) V3fstruct(name) |
Vfstruct is the command use to create and initialize a 2D image structure. The argument is the name of the image structure. Only one argument is permitted per command. The structure is defined by VisXimge_t. V3fstruct is the command use to create and initialize a 3D image structure. The argument is the name of the image structure. Only one argument is permitted per command. The structure is defined by VisX3dim_t. The pixel structure elements facilitate the access to pixel data. only one of these elements will be defined at at time depending upon the type of the image. For a Vfstruct, a 2D image is accessed by .u[y][x] for element x,y. For a V3fstruct, a 3D image is accessed by .u[z][y][x] for element x,y,z.
.bbx |
The bounding box for the image (float[6]) |
.type |
The base type of the image pixels |
.chan |
The number of channels in the image (e.g., color has 3) |
.xlo |
The lowest defined x index |
.xhi |
The highest defined x index |
.ylo |
The lowest defined y index |
.yhi |
The highest defined y index |
.zlo |
The lowest defined z index (V3fstruct only) |
.zhi |
The highest defined z index (V3fstruct only) |
.u |
VX_PBYTE, unsigned byte (the most common format for conventional images), and VX_PIDX indexed color |
.s |
VX_PSHORT, 16-bit signed integer |
.i |
VX_PINT, 32-bit signed integer |
.f |
VX_PFLOAT, 32-bit floating point number |
.d |
VX_PDOUBLE, 64-bit floating point number |
.c |
VX_PCHAR, 8-bit signed integer |
.b |
VX_PBIT, packed bit format (limited support) |
Vfstruct and V3fstruct should not be declared within subprograms. |
vfopen, v3fopen |
A. P. Reeves |