vbgrow − 3D anisotropic region growing followed by attachment surface area ratio calculation.


vbgrow [if=] [fp=] [of=] [s=] [d=] [n2d=] [n3d=] [-s] [v=] [n=] [max=] [-w] [-t] [-c] [-e] [-d] [-i] [-p] [-a] [-v]


vbgrow program does a 3D anisotropic region growing and calculates attachment surface area ratio.

The input to the program is a binary byte type image [if=]. The seed point is specified using [s=[x,y,z]] option. The program can do an isotropic ([-i]) and anisotropic region growing procedures. For aniostropic (default) region growing, the resolutions in the respective dimensions are extracted from the history header file.

For a 2D region growing, four (n2d=0) and eight (n2d=1) neighbourhood connectivity are available. Similarly, for a 3D region growing, two (n3d=0), six (n3d=1), ten (n3d=2) and twenty (n3d=3) neighbourhood connectivity are available. Two types of termination criteria are availble. The first one is using an estimate of the radius of the region (defualt option) given by [d=] option. For an attachment surface area calculation, the region can be overgrown ([n=]) iterations if the ([-e]) option is selected. The region can be overgrown only in the axial direction using the [-d] flag. The second termination option is using the volume change threshold ([-t]) specified by [v=]. For the attachment calculation, only in-plane connectivity can be selected using the [-p] flag. The output image is in a byte type format. In this image, background, grown region voxels and attachment voxels are labeled as 0,1 and 2 respectively.



input binary image file


volume and surface area calculation info at every iteration in a text file format


output image file


seed point location(x,y,z)


approximate radius of region


2D neighborhood definition (0=4NBD,1=8NBD)


3D neighbourhood definition (0=2NBD,1=6NBD,2=10NBD,3=26NBD)


volume change threshold


oversegmenation number of iterations


maximum iteration termination criterion


script output format


apply volume change iteration criterion


assume only convex attachment


calculate surface voxels after overgrowing


overgrowing in the z direction only


region growing in an isotropic space


only consider inplane connectivity for attachment calculation


volume increments during oversegmenation


verbose mode to print information about intermediate results


Andinet Asmamaw