vcsvtohtml − Create a HTML formatted table from a csv file


vcmap if=csvfile of=htmlfile [m=module] [ci=index] [-h] [-c] [-s] [-v]


Vcsvtohtml Converts a comma separated values (CSV) to a html table or tables suitable for inserting into a web page. By default the via css style sheets are assumed. If two colums are labeled in sequence "case" and "image" and a SIMBA module is specified by m= then callback code is inserted for case, view and module. this callback code is accepted by the SIMBA Application Interface (SAPI) manager. By default it is assumed that the CSV file has a header row that idetifies the columns. Use -h if there is no header row.

CSV values containing commas (,) must be enclosed in double quotes. Currently the use of "" as the representation of a single " in a quoted string is not supported.

As an extension to the CSV data format blank lines are treated in a spcial way. A blank (empty) line is used as a separator between multiple tables. Also if a "table" is a single line, then it is output as plain text and no table structure is created.



This is the input csv text file to be converted


This is the output html text file.


This specified the module name for when callback code is to be inserted


the index idetifies the current index in the table. The corresponding row in the file will have its background color set to the color yellow.


this option specifies that the CSV has no header row (all rows are data rows).


use plain style, do not assume the v4 css

-v verbose mode


A. P. Reeves