vholes − operates on a VisionX file containing body scan data. It can find and fill holes found on the body scan.


vbody [if=<input_file>] [of=<output_file>] [-h] [-p] [-v]


vholes takes VisionX file containing 3D body scan data and find holes on the body. The output will be a VisionX file containing 3D vectors that contains information of the holes.

Each 3-D vector will contain the coordinates of the points that form the boundary of the hole. The points are arranged such that they are adjacent to one another on the boundary. The last point is same as the first point. Two adjacent points form the edge of the polygon that surrounded the hole.

To know which direction to fill the hole, information of the normal vectors of the polygons that surround the hole are added. They are added right after the 3-D vector of the hole information as a 3-D vector containing the unit normal vectors of the corresponding polygon.

Looking at two adjacent points on the 3-D vector, let point 1 be the first point on the vector, point 2 to be the second point and point 3 to be the point on the polygon that is not on the vector. The normal is taken in the direction of point 1-2-3 using the right hand rule cross product. If 1-2 is a vector in x-direction and 1-3 in the y-direction, then the normal is in the z-direction. direction of 1st point, 2nd point

vholes fill the holes when given an input file that contains holes information in the above-mentioned format.



Input VisionX file


Output VisionX file


Find the holes on the surface of the body


Fill the holes given the holes information


vring(1), vbody(1)


Winson Lin, May 2007