vlrevmap - reverse mapping of sampled coordinates
SYNOPSISvlrevmap if=<ifile> ig=<ifile> of=<ofile> [-v]
DESCRIPTIONvlrevmap is a program that maps the location in the sampled image (sampled using vlsample) back to the original image coordinate. The program takes in two inputs [if=] and [ig=].
[if=] is the boundary file with the list of coordinates that need to be mapped. The accepted formats for the coordinates in [if=] are V2D and V3D vectors. For V3D vector format, z value is ignored.
When the input boundary file [if=] is generated using vdview’s boundary marking, the sampled image’s bounding box information is ignored (vdview always treats bottom-left corner as 0,0). In such a case, the vectors in [if=] should be corrected prior to using this program. The correction may be performed using vxftoz.
[ig=] is the 2-channeled float image that contains the original image coordinates for each pixel and is an output of vlsample. vlsample outputs this file just for the purpose of mapping the coordinates back to the original image space.
The output of the program is the vector file with V3D elements. Each element is a location in the original image that is mapped from the coordinates in [if=].
CONSTRAINT[ig=] must be a 2-channeled float image (output of vlsample). [of=] will be the vector file with V3D elements.
if= |
input boundary file with list of coordinates | ||
ig= |
input 2-channeled image that stores original image coordinates (output of vlsample) | ||
of= |
output boundary file with list of mapped coordinates | ||
-v |
verbose mode |
vlsample, vxftoz, vdview