vplfit − VisionX program for segmenting the juxtapleural pulmonary nodules


vplfit if=<infile> sf=<surfacefile> of=<outfile> ic=<COM estimate> nm=<surface normal> bw=<border around the image> [tk=<thickness of surface drawn>] [-pl] [-qd] [-cu] [-qr] [-rc] [-cp] [-v] [-neg] [-od] [-cb] [-rd]


Vplfit segments the juxtapleural pulmonary nodule from a region containing the thoracic wall and the nodule by using linear regression to find the pleural surface function. Given the surface image, a location inside the nodule (specified by [ic] argument) and a surface normal estimate ([nm]), the program estimates center of mass of the combined thoracic wall nodule region and uses it to identify a nodule surface point. The coordinate system is then rotated so the z coordinate is parallel to the surface normal and origin is at the nodule surface point. Surface estimates are made by using linear regression on a set of points outside of a sphere centered at a nodule surface point (to exclude the nodule points from the surface estimate). Initial radius is set to the shortest distance from the nodule surface point to a surface point at the edge of the image. Initial radius can also be set manually using the [ir=] argument. The sphere raidus is reduced to 0, a diagnostic is used to measure find the optimum radius. The resulting surface is rotated and used to separate the nodule from the thoracic wall.



input file name -- a binary image where a region containing the thoracic wall and the nodule is set to 255 and the lung parenchyma is set to 0


detected surface point image -- points on the boundary of the thoracic wall/nodule regions are set to 255 the rest are set to 0.


output image: the nodule region is set to 255 the rest of the points are set to zero.(requires some post processing)


coordinates of a point inside the nodule (default: center of the image)


average surface normal in the form <x,y,z>


border of zero pixels around the image (should be the same as the argument to vsborder, which removes the irrelevant voxels from the morphologically filtered image (default: 4)


initial subset radius (default: set automatically)


thickness of the surface drawn if the -od option is set if -od is not set than a layer of width "tk" around the surface function is excluded from the nodule segmentation (default 2)


use planar surface estimate


use quadratic surface estimate


use cubic surface estimate


use fourth order polynomial estimate -rc print the diagnostic values at each subset radius (this is the squared residual of added points diagnostic used for picking the subset) -cp print Cook’s diagnostic values at each subset radius -v verbose -rd debug option


vsfit: the script that uses this program


Y. Mulman