vstertrack − sternum segmentation, track cross sections vertically.
SYNOPSISvstertrack if= cf= mf= zc= xl= xr= ya= yp= xs= ys= th= of= vl= vr= va= vp=
DESCRIPTIONvstertrack tracks axial cross sections of the sternum from seed slice in the cranial and caudal directions. The inputs are filtered CT, calcified regions (value of 1 as low possibility, value of 2 as high possibility) and mask for the ROI. Boundaries and the center of the initial seed cross section, and the z coordinate of the seed slice are also required. The outputs are the preliminary segmented sternum (before refinement) and its boundaries on each axial slice (in the format of visionX vectors).
Score functions are designed to have local maxima at the boundaries of the cross sections, and thus used to match the sternum cross sections with rectangle model. The tracking incorporates the location of segmentation on previous slices and terminates when no more calcifications are detected at the center of the cross section.
if= |
input filtered CT scan | ||
cf= |
input calcified regions(value of 1 as low possibility, value of 2 as high possibility) | ||
mf= |
input mask for the ROI | ||
zc= |
input z coordinate of carina | ||
xl= |
input left boundary of the seed cross section | ||
xr= |
input right boundary of the seed cross section | ||
ya= |
input anterior boundary of the seed cross section | ||
yp= |
input posterior boundary of the seed cross section | ||
xs= |
input x coordinate of the center of the seed cross section | ||
ys= |
input y coordinate of the center of the seed cross section | ||
th= |
input optimal threshold value (pixel value) | ||
of= |
output preliminary sternum segmentation (before refinement) | ||
vl= |
output vector of coordinates of left boundaries on each slice | ||
vr= |
output vector of coordinates of right boundaries on each slice | ||
va= |
output vector of coordinates of anterior boundaries on each slice | ||
vp= |
output vector of coordinates of posterior boundaries on each slice |
vstern(1), vsterseed(1), vsterrefine(1)
AUTHORShuang Liu, June 2015